
Friday, August 27, 2010

My response to Frau Doktor Laura Schlessinger #Mental #Health

I was reading this blog about Frau...which was really good actually. Gave a nice anecdotal story about learning how not to be an Asshole like Frau. And while I commended her efforts on explaining why Frau is an idiot, I also stated that what Dr. Laura did to the caller was exploitation--much like a purchaser of slaves would do to see what she can drag out that savageness. It is like she said, "I will devour you Bitch and there is nothing you can do about it!" A Mary Sue Pedastalization issue or like the blogger stated "Borderline"--LOL! Now that is pretty good...I'mma use that when I deal with the Tea leavers...

I am writing this blog because my brother wanted me to write it. He wanted me to go all crazy and discuss how Dr. Laura is making Black women clinically depressed who call her @^(*&)% show on marital and relationship issues, especially when it is a interracial marriage or relationship! I am not going to do that...Not to piss my brother off, but why condone the belligerent behavior of logic fallacy ignorance spewed on the likes of Dr. Laura Borderline...

Here is my list as to why I am NOT going to write about that:

  1. Dr. Laura is crotchety...I would not call her even for a wrong number...

  2. Dr. Laura is fugly...Not just in looks but also in demeanor. The days of bashing people are over. Young people these days did not have whoopins like we had back in the day. I was thinking the other day, the kiddies that cyberbully me on Twitter, they were all ADHD kids addicted to Ritalin and misdiagnoses with Autism with psychopathic anxious mothers or worse. Dr. Laura is from the old school, her grandkids probably do not see her much because it is more important for her to get her botox shots that spend time with Susie or Becky or Ashley or whatever the fuck her adult kids named their children. Hayle, I doubt her adult kids WANT to see grandma!

  3. Dr. Laura is not even on my radar for a mental health anything. Her degree may be in some form of radicalized psychotheraputics also know as BDSM with her ball gag and a biker hat on, but who knows what she really enjoys behind closed doors.

Okay seriously Free Speech rights...She can be and say stupid things and it is her right. If she wants to run around in her house and yell epithets till she is blue in the face, which would not be hard for her unless she like John Boehner who ignores the OOPMA LOOMPAS phone calls, then BLESS HER HEART she has a right to do it, naked if she wants in her best BDSM costume. But the minute she says it on the air, posts it on the internet, it becomes the subject of discussion and criticism by those of us who have brains. HAYLE those of us who have half a brain we have a right to respond and critically evaluate her Borderline disorder.

I do not care about how or why she would say anything to anyone, I am not psychiatrist and have yet to care. Besides as an advocate of health self-management, I am pretty stable on my medications, thank you!

What gets me is now she is skulking wanting the White Man to protect her stinky ass by appealing to them as a "patriot", tea leavers (I can uses a better term here but their psychosis is not what I want to deal with right now), deranged shrill ding bat flutists because "woe is me", she has foot and mouth disease--or she is actually "Borderline"...

Another thing from my underground days that I really need to get in touch with these folks: To the so-called kneegrow woman who called, did you really think that Dr. Laura would help you? Did you ever watch "Roots" when Kizzy was sold off by Sandy Duncan (2nd youtube 6:38 minutes)...What were you thinking? Frau would be the LAST person who I would EVER speak to regarding that issue. I mean really, devoid of her "borderline" rant she gave, fact remains if your husband is allowing a bigot in your house and you cannot speak to him about it or how it affects you, then gwirlfriend, racism is not your only problem!

Fact remains, that bigotry and racism is a probably a sociopathic mental illness. It is systemic and all that wonderful stuff. But people who dwell on it really do have brain problems. And when I say dwell, I do not mean talk about it, I mean saying racist and bigoted things knowingly that it hurts people, intentionally. It is like picking that one wound and pulling off the scab. There is no real discourse. I think that is what makes some Caucasians fearful is they do not know how far their hatred resides. If one has to ask that question, then it is too far... I say some Caucasians, because there are others who do not care. Like Eminem hangs with the brothas moreso that some brothas...Even some Caucasian woman are sticking up for Black women moreso than many a Sistah does for one another--not that I have ever experienced that myself, but that is what I heard...

Can hatred be healed? Yes and no... It takes whatever is biochemically called "epiphany" in the body to make the overriding changes. It takes so much forgiveness that your heart is moved to be better. That is why a spirituality works wonders for these things. Not to be mean, but I do not know how atheists do it, maybe they can enlighten me. Because once you have made your road to Damascus...

Anyhow, Frau will never live this down until she has that Epiphany. And if she does not, then cancer sets in. That is usually what happens to those with internal hatred...

Here's where we humans need to be: