
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Montana Fishburne's choice of porn life Black Woman Image #Mental #Health

I was reading this blog about Montana Fishburne... Interesting read and I agree with most of the blogger's opinion, but some statements seemed sanctimonious. Such as: "Montana’s latest nonsense..." To Miss Montana Fishburne her upbringing is becoming apparent here for her latest behavior. Anyone can see that. It is possible that her famous father, Laurence Fishburne, had a difference of opinion of her upbringing from her mother--who we have never met... I am writing on this subject is what is said at the end of this blog that got me thinking:

Whatever is going on in her relationship with her parents, and especially her father, I hope they are able to resolve their differences in private. Montana Fishburne needs counseling: psychological counseling AND career counseling.

Otherwise, the next time we see her, it will be on Celebrity Rehab.

Again ignoring the acerbic nature of the comment, this blogger has a point: How could a young woman who had all the gifts in the world could offer due to the tireless efforts of her famous father want to squelch it to become a Porn Star?

Or to put it in more reference to those that read my blog:

Give not that which is holy to the dogs, neither cast you your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. Matthew 7:6

But it is happened to them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire. 2 Peter 2:22

I am not trying to get all pious on those, far be it from me to do so with all my sufferings, but I think we who have discovered sexual exploration, then undergone sexual predatory humiliation immediately put our blinders up and want to protect those from our pains. Especially when we see someone going down a similar path like Miss Montana Fishburne.

Aside from she COULD be the exception to the rule and ACTUALLY transition from the porn industry into famous star power with fame and fortune--a first for African American woman generally speaking--we who have been sexually predated and humiliated know that the ideology she is manifesting is untrue... And there are ranges of reasons for that--just look at how black women have been treated this entire year? From Shirley Sherrod, to Fantasia Barrino, to Michelle Obama and her daughters!

No wonder Montana is already thinking if I am going to be seen as trash, may as well be trashy and at least they have that stereotype to use against me...

It is very well established that being a female porn star is about power and control. There is only one woman CEO of a porn company and she inherited it from her father - Playboy and she has had to fight her way to keep it and keep her father at the helm of the Franchise.

Miss Fishburne signed on with Vivid Corp. Notorious for the dehumanization of women. Basically riding them to the ground. Graduates of the Vivid program are old when they reach 25 years old. Who is Jenna again? She may be rich, but who wants that old mare who is not what she use to be? All for pubescent sexually deprived predators to rock their socks of with various fantastical poses...

No...Miss Fishburne does not need psychological help, but deprogramming from a cult that feels woman deserve subjugation under wife beaters. Yes, domestic violence is at play here.

But, she feels she will laugh all the way to the bank for 6 years till she is beaten down only to realize that she will go down and away like all black female porn stars have, e.g. Miss Ola Ray in Michael Jackson's Thriller...Then wind up 40+ - something only giving seminars in Las Vegas for acting courses attempting to incite her father's artistic achievements...

Fact is Black women will NEVER equate to white women in American society, including porn. Alice Walker's, "You Can't Take a Good Woman Down" short story "Coming Apart" is an illustration of the kind of consumers who purchase and consumes porn. Black finer womanhood, feminity and our Goddess image will not be made productive in Yurugu-style porn and as you can see we can not make it productive...

Are you serious for a change? Or as Morpheus said: FREE YOUR MIND!!!