Saturday, July 10, 2010

I HATE #SEATTLE Order 66 - Did I think yurugu give me anything? LOL!

I might just add my PayPal donation coffer to help my husband and I move out of this place because I feel unsafe living here in Seattle, Washington as a Black Woman...

Especially when you read this article: No 3rd Trial for Officer that Beat Down a Mailaka Calhoun...

No matter how insolence my behavior can be, in general, Seattle makes people crazy due to the inability to have an accurate weather forcast, it does not MERIT these 2 incidents perpetuated by those who made an oath to uphold the laws of the local government!


In the movie, Sankofa, by the Director Haile Germima, the first time I saw it was with a friend who was part of the PAAA... Here is a preview:

Here is OUR story to the new world...Our history does NOT start there...OUR history starts 10,000 years and before the ~1500 ADY...

It is sad that when history is literally erased, intentionally, our genetic memory--REMEMBERS!

That is why I am crazy in this place called Seattle--the water tastes funny, the smells are wrong...Really, to put it bluntly, the original caretakers of this land as much as they tried to keep theirs, still have problems for what was stolen from them.

We can say post-racial, beyond race, overlook history as much as we want and the artist that made Sankofa only gives the horrific images and stories left for our own interpretation.

LIBERATION must first start in our minds.

What Seattle, Washington has done is convinced women like me, specifically Black Women, specifically one who wants Sankofa, Osun, Oya, Yemaja, AST livelihood beyond the MAAFA, Universal - ONE devoid of Yurug-ism - A Shakti life...Living under the rules of MA'AT...ONE who wants ARI'AFYA...

Seattle is not it...

I get more of a genetic calling from distantly remote cousins of Kama'aina origin than that in the Southern districts of my blood relatives, who live discordantly...

I miss my ABIBMAN...

I know that I left it in order to be my family due to fear, but look at all that I have lost and I am the one called crazy... *smiles*

The thing is, I am