
Friday, September 23, 2011

EPISODE ALERT: Getting to me...

This week I have endured someone telling me I am childish, stupid and that I don't matter. This was by an adult, not a wily child. This same person called me a racist bigot because I called him out on posts like this:

This is all over about how I think Star Wars should be roleplayed on Facebook--using the Fan Pages to build character, which goes along the lines of Rights and Responsibilities of the site:

Registration and Account Security

Facebook users provide their real names and information, and we need your help to keep it that way. Here are some commitments you make to us relating to registering and maintaining the security of your account:

You will not provide any false personal information on Facebook, or create an account for anyone other than yourself without permission.

You will not create more than one personal profile.

If we disable your account, you will not create another one without our permission.

The use of Facebook Fan Pages permits us to pretend to be fictional characters without breaking the usual "profile" page.

Then on Wednesday, September 21, 2011, Facebook new system deleted a lot of accounts. Somehow, my account was spared. These fools then re-made their accounts to restart their bullying again!

Later, I discover that this same bully has a movie license from LucasFilm as indicated here:

Any contract I know of, promises like that cannot be made. It is inappropriate. LucasFilm has excellent lawyers, they only contract out to those specifically based on guidelines. To allow another entity not clearly defined in the contract means the contract is broken. I know I requested one in March, 2010. Moreover, without a clear business structure, which cannot be delineated by this "Perkunas" character, which by the way has multiple Facebook profile accounts that are illegal to have, if true, then it is wrong to tell young people that, and wielding it as to order respect. Lucasfilm cannot have random people saying they have a license to sell and publish literature on behalf of Star Wars as if it were canon.

Why was I declined? If there were a process, why was it not shared with me? This is characteristic of how the franchise of Star Wars has denigrated women. Look at the Senator of Naboo Padme: A powerhouse senator, fought to defend her homeworld, negotiate huge deals only "lose the will to live"? How does that happen? What does that say to young girls? Don't succeed?

This is typical of a woman who is being abused, domestic violence. An underexplored area of Star Wars that is barely written.

Numerous female authors of Star Wars novels and comics have been written, who have barely the marketing compared to their peers. Strong fictional or comic female characters are not permitted yet, those it seems that sweeps are changing that. Since Star Wars is in the lexicon of our language and everyone knows who Darth Vader is, then there is not Fair Use within limits. This fact makes roleplaying interesting, but not at the expense of berating others.

In my group, we have quite a few scripts for our roleplaying performances. We discuss what is possible and how to work with that. We talk about best practices and techniques and ally them with social media new formats that complies with the rules.

I have seen a hate group, like a white supremacist group that likes Star Wars, all they spew is hatred for other people, berating one another, lying about each other. Nothing about improving roleplaying, writing or producing. Maybe tidbits here and there, but their forum is to destroy another roleplayer because he or she is different from their warped understanding.

One can say, these people need to get a life. True, I do need to get out more. Leave this roleplaying behind. And hope for the best. But, the mentality of these people are no way near the marketing demographic that buys the products. These people influence the canon, maybe. And I am calling on Lucasfilm to rectify that. They need to know who they are dealing with.

  • If someone says they roleplay, then where are all the participants character sheets that are not canon?

  • Where are the scripts and storylines used for roleplay? Lucasfilm has the right to see it at request. Call it a progress report.

  • Has it been performed with links and has it been posted in a readable format?

  • What makes it different from a "Fan Fiction" versus what the license condones? Is it WGAw approved?

  • How much trope does it follow?

These terms are simple to apply for an online social media format. Why not do this on their Star Wars The Old Republic site or elsewhere? Because large format roleplaying exposes millions to the media and can encourage them to involved.

Do individuals purchase these licenses? What merits do they need to show to have them?

The groundwork needs to be laid down now as social media evolves.

Roleplaying on large format social media is not taking away from the contracts previously signed by the game developers, etc. It is enhancing it further than anything else. Cross promotion is astounding when one things they can be their favorite Star Wars character. It makes fans watch the shows more after participating on the fun from roleplay.

And having well written and developed non canon characters does not diminish the the canon, in fact is can add to it.

Writing out my frustration helps. I feel angry because I am following the rules of a social media giant, meanwhile a cyberbully is advancing.

LIKE my character. She is:

Senator Yemaja Mlise Lah

Courtesy image of Ms Selita Ebanks