
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Srsly Pseudo-Science needs to DIE! Or we all will die!

A major health club in my area had a potential member sell her homemade "healthy breads" (isn't that an oxymoron?) with samples, with no covers of the samples & people nasty fingers picking at the pieces. I have no ideas where peoples hands have been. Do you fathom if she had any food handler's permits? She made all her products in her kitchen--not approved by the state health department, attempting to sale her wares in a MAJOR HEALTH CLUB in my local area!

When she asked me to try a sample, I said "I need toothpicks". Then, she attempted to hand me hand sanitizing gel as some passerbyes grimy hands touches the samples, then cuts a sample for me to try?!? Um! WTF!

First off, this MAJOR GYM has a BAD smell problem. HAYLE IT STINKS! The workers who wipe off the machines cannot work fast enough for the nasty sweat from arrogant fat--yes FAT gym members. Next, the fountains have grime around the orifice opening of the water spigot! I spray it, then run the water for 10 seconds before I consume any water from it. Finally, I will NEVER shower in the gym rooms! Bloodied bandages lost from the water, clogged drains, molds! NO! I'll just shower at home. I don't like to go to the gym, because it is a breeding ground for heinous infection wastes with next to not controls by people clueless as to how to keep things sanitary!

Let me explain where I live has temples to false idols to pseudo-science. One shy short of divinity rods, where I live, people actually believe that sneezing without blocking by arm-bend is safe. Let me be blunt: WHO WIPES! These pseudo-science wingnuts actually worship the fact they are so healthy that they don't need vaccinations and vehemently protest those who support them and want them until their child dies from the preventable disease! People are NASTY! Failing to wash their hands, or only wish wash their hands in water. Pick their butts, then there nose. Wipes any kind of way rather than front to back. No soap for no 20 seconds scrub!

These people do this crap and when you call them on it, they range in experiences. Back to my gym. I may need to make anonymous calls. People are plainly foul, here!

Who lives like this? My area... It's called a natural fallacy--because it is natural, it must be true... Well hemlock, belladonna and digitalis are natural too--so is arsenic.

Then when Swine Flu at stake and not being in one of the high risk groups--meaning I have to wait for an injection. I worry because I know me! I catch crazy things and I have to stay on top of my health. None of this snake-oil crap, no! I need evidence-based peer-reviewed medicine. Not this pseudo-science silliness! If you don't know the science, take a class! Seriously, given this time of climate change, global warming and exotic infectious diseases making unnecessary comebacks because of insane resistance, who is paying my health coverage if I get these ailments? Who is in charge of my health? Wingnuts? NO! I AM! So forget the dumb stuff!

I might have to side with the Atheists on this one. Science is my God and it is amoral and devoid of judgment. It has no compassion and it is how it made. Human frailty meanders it way on this Earth as it is in our life cycle. And we have impacted Earth for 200K years of our evolution.