
Thursday, June 30, 2011

How I fell for the gank move...

All my education in the world did not prepare me for the unsavory high pressure sales tactics of the door to door salesperson for Kirby Vacuums. For those who do not know, Kirby Vacuum are an old American brand with a quality product, though extremely expensive.~$1800 for a used model.

Anyhow, I was targeted when I decided to check outside my house for fighting cats oddly enough. This beat up dark blue van called Rhino Distributers, LLC filled with young people struggling, stopped by and misled me to think that I could call for a demostration of the pricey Kirby vacuum.

No sooner that I realized it, these people busted through my door saying they were ready to full shampoo a portion of my carpet. Me being compliant, tired and discombobulated allowed these fools to do this to me. The demo went well, through talking to me they appealed to my vanity and emotions with crafty sales tactics.

I wanted to make my home look nicer, but the special super vacuum was not going to do it--we decided on new flooring. The cost of this vacuum would foil my husband's and mine's agreement.

I wanted to be nice since I have a social anxiety since living in Washington state. What happens to me is I get angry, and combative. In Seattle, the arrest and beatdown Black Women. I have had to learn how to bite my tongue off to survive here. (See I hate Seattle series).

So rather than attempting to be firm, speak directly to these predators, or just go outright crazy Black woman on them, I obliged them and got tricked into buying something I had no money to purchase. I bought a used Kirby Vacuum for $1800 with no background, no names, and no confidence in my purchase...

In my state, that is called preying on the vulnerable. That is against the law. I liked the product, but I kept saying I have no money. These lunatics sold me a $1800 vacuum. When I was going through the whole process, nothing said STOP in my mind. I was incapacitated. In fact the demonstrator became belligerent when I said I did not want the vacuum.

After I punked out, I called my husband. He asked a ton of logical questions I could not answer. When he got home, he was cool with the job, but it was not what we wanted. I think he realized I was incapacitated, so we checked my credit reports because I gave no credit card. All the personal info, the had was my SSN and that disturbed us. We checked and reported them to the Better Business Bureau. Finally, we will be writing Kirby.

The following day I sent the form I filled out with the credit check. We told the company that we do not want the product. And we expected my trade-in vacuum back at a designated time.

They use cell phones that are personal, like they are not friends. To deliver it back, they did not show up with my trade in vacuum. Then they pressured me again to get their product back. I got angry when the guy accused me of not trusting them with returning my old vacuum and playing games with phone calls. That is when this Sistah went off... I said what I said, then slammed the door on dudes face...

Then I called my husband and now he is willing to assist me.

This lunacy enraged me because I feel my mental wellness is questioned. I is a combo of both.

Folks who are dealing with mental health conditions are prey for unscrupulous people. The sales tactics appeals to vanity and friendliness. It is only to SELL YOU THE PRODUCT!!!

The concept is "a sucker born every minute"...

I fell for the gank move...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Portraying Rape in the Media -- @Rihanna and #Mental #Health

As I move along in my businesses, Sistah Mental Health and Wellness and Isle Sanctuary Creative Artists, I have learned that for the latter, topics cannot be covered by any literary means, such as rape. It is okay for rap videos to destroy female images and vampire movies and television to bludgeon people, but it is NOT tasteful to even have a conversation about rape. No, no... It is okay for girls to promote and glamorize themselves as slave girls in a bondage domination sadomasochistic (BDSM), but rape... No THEY SAY rape is untouchable.

My evidence is clear when I protested against a heinously named account used for roleplay and the psychological damage it would do to girls. Forget the fact that many young girls of 12 years old, have a pollyannish view, also called "Mary Sue" concept of of what a relationship is, a real one in fact and a FUNCTIONAL one vs DYSFUNCTIONAL one to cyberbully me forcing me to accept SLAVERY OF WOMEN in the fictional Universe of Star Wars... In fact, Slave Girl Leia costume outfit is the highest grossing costume for women who want to pretend they are in Star Wars as costume roleplay or cosplay.

Despite the immortal status it has given her, Fisher has admitted that she initially objected to the costume, believing it made her appear subordinate to the male characters: "When they took my clothes off, put me in a bikini and shut me up, I thought it was a strong indication of what the third film was."[citation needed] One Wired magazine editor concurs, stating the only reason for the outfit's fame is "no doubt that the sight of Carrie Fisher in the gold sci-fi swimsuit was burned into the sweaty subconscious of a generation of fanboys hitting puberty in the spring of 1983."[19]

So if these women have EVER been raped in real life, like I have, their viewpoints would be extraordinarily different.


Power over the perceived vulnerable to force them to succumb to dehumanization. The easiest way to do that biologically is to confused the pleasurable signals to the brain when one has sex with a violent physical act...

For some people, it changes them into suppression for many years. I have friends who have been raped and sexually molested as children who are so fearful of anyone showing them "touch compassion"... I think what happens to the victim is an ugly cycle as I hated "touch compassion" by someone who altruistically cared for me...

And then for some people, they take the sexual violation overboard and they rationalize it to perceived sexual freedom that involves discordant risk taking -- histrionic behavior -- i.e. they have sex with anything, anyone, anywhere. Promiscuity is NOT the right word for this kind of behavior. More like, "I hate myself, no one cares, so I do not care what someone does to me" or what my folks would call, becoming a "doormat" to someone to wipe the shit off their feet... I know... BEEN THERE, DONE THAT!

So when Rihanna's "Man Down" video came out and she acted out a ~5-8 second scene that involved physical brutality resulting in rape, and she shoots the offender, I applaud her efforts to bring a strong relevant topic of rape victims, such as myself, who have suffered silently about their rape. Good for her!

However groups want to suppress her visual depiction of rape, because, I really do not know or understand it.

The lame excuse is that it is a difficult subject to broach. It is one girl's fantasy to be raped. Or if I am paying for this, why do I want to see this? She should have not gotten herself into that position to be raped. Look at her, she is wearing skimpy clothes she is begging for it. Etc., etc., etc...

Typical answers that if a true mental health rape counselor was in the room would be squashed.

No one asks to be raped. There is no amount of dress that matters to a rapist -- the rapist sees the target and wants power over the target. Silencing sufferers voices is deadly and suppressing them allows stupidity and ignorance to fester. When one has been raped, there are no illusions or fantasies that are needed to want to enjoy reliving it...

On CNN an opinion piece makes a great argument thanking Ms. Rihanna for her guts to show what she suffered and therapeutic writing and video of her difficulty.

I wrote a Star Wars fan fiction involving rape. I did not writing in any gory detail, I just wrote elaborate descriptions of what happened. Some personal experiences were included, some fictional issues based on my own personal research were added for the continuity and flow of the story. I do not want to sell, as my hateful counterparts want to say, rape to George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars... But, I think if we are going to talk about what is evil and how evil it is, then one form of evil is taking away a vulnerable person's identity and retribution of that identity.

Regardless, my hateful counterparts are too sullen to get that concept... Of course, they have not really had to deal with the mental anguish of rape.

RFRS: Army of the Born Sith'ari

I do not think the art is a fabricated fictional version of rape when the realness of it hits a victim. I think the healing power is the ability to creative advance beyond the pain one goes through after the violation. I would prefer someone write a story, sing a song or draw a picture to work through the humiliation of rape, than to truly act on what Rihanna showed in her video, shooting the rapist. But then, Rihanna is working from her artist perspective that is indelibly wrapped in her cultural perspective of Barbados. And in that culture, it is possible that for women, that is what they have to do to get "justice". And after one is raped, the victim only sees wanting justice or wanting that back which was ripped and stolen from them.

I think that is what "Man Down" is really about, lyrically and video wise. Was it the optimal portrayal -- for someone Rihanna's age, that is pretty good and is pretty bold for her to write a song, put it to music, sing it, act it out and have it play on video on what happens to a lot of women of African descent...

After all the ugliness as women that we have suffered in more ways than one, we deserve to be heard, and if it is through song, then I want to hear that. Because it is liberating for me.

After all the ugliness as women we have suffered in more ways than one, our voices, our thoughts, our overcoming will NOT BE SILENCED AGAIN!